Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) is a flexible open file format for images, spectra, photon lists, data cubes etc. The data is stored in N-dimensional arrays or tables.
N.I.N.A. is capable of saving images in FITS format. The FITS format offers a variety of header meta information and N.I.N.A. will populate all available information into this header. A detailed list of all available Headers and their conditions is described below. Many applications can make use of these headers (e.g. PixInsight during processing).
Standard FITS Headers#
- SIMPLE: true
- BITPIX: 16
- NAXIS: 2
- NAXIS1: image width
- NAXIS2: image height
- BZERO: 32768
- EXTEND: true
Image Headers#
- IMAGETYP: Type of exposure (LIGHT, DARK etc.)
- EXPOSURE: Exposure duration in seconds
- EXPTIME: Exposure duration in seconds
- DATE-LOC: Locale time at exposure start
- DATE-UTC: UTC time at exposure start
- DATE-AVG: Averaged midpoint time (UTC)
- ROWORDER: TOP-DOWN orientation of the image starting point. Details at
Observer Headers#
Taken from the Astrometry Options
- SITEELEV: Elevation (currently taken from a connected telescope)
- SITELAT: Latitude specified in astrometry options
- SITELONG: Longitude specified in astrometry options
- OBSERVER: Observer name specified in astrometry options
- OBSERVAT: Observatory name specified in astrometry options
- SITENAME: Site name specified in astrometry options
Target Headers#
Available when a target is set inside a sequence.
- OBJECT: Name of object
- OBJCTRA: Right ascension of target
- OBJCTDEC: Declination of target
- OBJCTROT: Planned rotation of imaged object
Camera Headers#
Requires a camera to be connected
- CAMERAID: The camera id provided by the driver
- INSTRUME: Name of camera
- XBINNING: X binning factor
- YBINNING: Y binning factor
- GAIN: Gain
- OFFSET: Offset (if camera can set an offset)
- EGAIN: Electrons per A/D unit (only available for some cameras)
- XPIXSZ: X-Pixel size
- YPIXSZ: Y-Pixel size
- SET-TEMP: temperature set point (requires a cooling unit)
- CCD-TEMP: actual sensor temperature (requires a cooling unit)
- READOUTM: Sensor readout mode
- BAYERPAT: Sensor bayer pattern
- XBAYROFF: Bayer pattern X axis offset
- YBAYROFF: Bayer pattern Y axis offset
Telescope Headers#
Requires a telescope to be connected
- TELESCOP: Name of telescope
- FOCALLEN: Focal length (taken from equipment options)
- FOCRATIO: Focal ratio (taken from equipment options)
- RA: Current telescope's right ascension coordinates
- DEC: Current telescope's declination coordinates
- PIERSIDE: The side of pier reported by the driver
Filter wheel Headers#
Requires a filter wheel to be connected
- FWHEEL: Name of filter wheel
- FILTER: Current active filter
Focuser Headers#
Requires a focuser to be connected
- FOCNAME: Name of focuser
- FOCPOS: Current step position
- FOCUSPOS: Current step position
- FOCUSSZ: Step size
- FOCTEMP: Temperature (requires temperature probe on focuser)
- FOCUSTEM: Temperature (requires temperature probe on focuser)
Rotator Headers#
Requires a rotator to be connected
- ROTNAME: Name of rotator
- ROTATOR: Rotator angle in degrees
- ROTATANG: Rotator angle in degrees
- ROTSTPSZ: Step size
Weather Data Headers#
Requires a weather data source to be connected
- CLOUDCVR: Cloud cover percentage
- DEWPOINT: Dew point in Celsius
- HUMIDITY: Humidity percentage
- PRESSURE: Air pressure in hPa
- SKYBRGHT: Sky brightness in lux
- MPSAS: Sky quality in mags/arcsecs^2
- SKYTEMP: Sky temperature in Celsius
- AMBTEMP: Ambient air temperature in Celsius
- WINDDIR: Wind direction: 0=N, 180=S, 90=E, 270=W
- WINDGUST: Wind gust in kph
- WINDSPD: Wind speed in kph