Due to the recent increase in people wanting to help and contribute in localizing N.I.N.A. I have looked into a bunch options to make the process much simpler. Therefore I have created a project inside a translation management software called Crowdin where people can easily add new translations for labels without having to know how to code.
You can easily and quickly add new proposals for one or multiple labels now and they will be automatically synced into our project repository once approved.
The localization project can be found at: https://nina.crowdin.com/
For a quick start, refer to our documentation at: https://nighttime-imaging.eu/docs/develop/site/contributing/localization/
In case the language you want to contribute to isn’t listed yet, please reach out to me (via mail or via discord) and I will add the specific language to the list.
Thank you all in advance for your contributions and happy translating!
And also a big thank you to the Crowdin Project by supporting FOSS with their special license!