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The Equipment tab is where one manages the hardware that N.I.N.A. controls. The classes of hardware devices that N.I.N.A. supports are separate sub-tabs.

Selecting Equipment#

Each tab has a drop-down box that lists the devices and drives that were detected. Devices are organized into categories to denote differences between Native, ASCOM, N.I.N.A. internal devices, and so-on.

Equipment Listing

In the above example of a list of cameras, the ZWO ASI1600MM Pro is listed under the ZWOptical category. You would select this device to connect to the camera directly. If connecting to the camera via ASCOM is desired, you would select the appropriate ASI Camera driver under the ASCOM section. Driver categories exist so that it is clear how the device is accessed and operated.


Next to the drop-down box is a series of buttons:


  1. A drop-down box that lists all detected devices.
  2. Buttons to the right of the drop-down box may be used to:
  1. Configure the selected device or ASCOM driver
  2. Refresh the list of identified devices
  3. Connect to or disconnect from the selected device


If you connect a device to your computer after starting N.I.N.A., you may press the Refresh button (2b) to have N.I.N.A. perform a system scan and update the list of devices.

Information and Controls#

Any device tab also displays information that pertains to the device that was selected and connected. Specific devices may also display control functions in this area.